Type manipulation, based on real-time data streams.

For the 60th anniversary of the TDC, we developed a microsite as part of a bigger campaign. The idea for this campaign revolved around the fact that as designers, we are all influenced by our surroundings.

The application pulled in realtime data based on your location. Using these metrics, visual transformations got applied to a word. All submissions were recorded in a gallery, showcasing results from type designers all around the world. These images then acted as metaphors for how design expresses the influences of time, place, and social interaction. 

A collaboration with our dear friends at Hugo & Marie and Collins.

The TDC (Type Directors Club) is an international organization created in 1946 specialising in typography. The organization’s objective is to raise the standards of typography and related fields within the graphic arts. The TDC supports research and education, and disseminates information relating to typography.

This project has been archived and is no longer online.