Hans Van den Keybus

They call me by many names

Long-time friend Hans Van den Keybus brings over 15 years of application development experience. Over time, he gravitated towards a more holistic involvement in projects, outgrowing the job title he’d held for almost two decades.

During a collaborative deep-dive, we ironed out his no-nonsense personal identity. We did this from both a visual and strategic point of view, giving Hans the tools needed to reach out beyond his current professional network.

Services include: brand identity – digital strategy – content strategy – design – tone of voice – naming – copywriting – analysis

The foundation of the visual aesthetic was found in Hans’ old punk moniker, dot dot comma dot. As many who accessed the internet in the mid 90’s, it was custom to have a user handle masking your own name.

Since . . , .  caused constant headaches – from transferring contact information to people forgetting the correct spelling – we opted to use his full name, while keeping a subtle nod to his old moniker for those in the know.

Using his birth name didn’t make transferring his information easier. During hotel check-ins, transferring invoice information etc the result on the other end would be rife with spelling errors. So we created a simple system using a bespoke NFC card for transferring contact information. Problem solved.

The rhythmic patterns of the logo mark’s symbols form the structural backbone of our grid system, creating a cohesive visual flow across all applications and layouts.

The website embraces the brand’s direct no-nonsense approach, where carefully curated content and references tell their own compelling story.

For sharing insights on professional platforms, we created a distinctive series of monochrome illustrations. These geometrical designs add depth to the message, providing just the right touch of *zing* to make them more memorable.