We have never been published before, so this means a big deal to us! iCatching is a publication that has found the best online shopping experiences out there, be that flash or html. This is the feedback from OnePage Publishing on the georgette website:
We have been to the Georgette website recently and are very impressed with its creative and appealing design, in particular the lovely animation and navigation, with screens flying by, balloons and hearts that show the progress of loading, the scrollover taskbar below and of course, the presentation of the shoes, the option for a real-life view of the shoe on a real foot, and how they fall nicely into the shopping cart once you click Buy. The website is fun and aesthetically pleasing yet simple to use and intuitive, which is what we are looking for.
That’s like... a good review! :)
We would just like to thank everybody at iCatching for loving georgette.be enough to put it in the book, and georgette themselves for giving us the chance to build their website, and giving us lots of freedom to do our thing.